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We glory those who did not cry From a pain, But tears did not hide On tombs of the friends, Those who by the man was Not on words, The coward did not celebrate, Sitting in bushes, Those best The son of mankind, Those who on the guard of Fatherland
You today we congratulate, From the bottom of the heart to you is desirable: Happy days and gentle caress, Princess lovely of a fairy tale, Victory difficult in struggle - Let all remain to you!
All childhood was lived by(with) I without grief, Me always boys protected. Has passed since then of years much, Now defence counsel mine - liked husband. Today congratulations mine Достанутся to you, instead of another - Dear than the man to not find, The defence counsel mine on a vital way! In a trouble will not throw, in a mountain not предашь, And for children - so life отдашь. Though a holiday in February for all men, By my love достоин you one!
We not клянем destiny превратную Also we lift an ardent glass For those who now corrects a service ратную And who at one time "has left" her(it)! When the rear is reliably supplied! Successes to you, defence counsels of Fatherland, Per this famous Day of the Armed Forces!
To call by a weak floor of the women there is no reason - Средь us talents, воины, minds(wits), But if near to us not the man The heights could be reached(achieved) by(with) we?
The sun in the peace sky let shines Pipe in a campaign also does not call. That only on ученьях the soldier In attack went forward. Let instead of explosions a thunder spring Nature будит ото of dream, And our children sleep quietly Today, tomorrow and always! Health strong and happiness By all of themes, who the world ours has defended. And who today protects it(him) And who wholly has given back a duty to a native Land!
We wish you, present men, force large... That with this force you protected the world and rest! We shall be happy and are twice quiet, When near to us парни such... So there will be also you are happy twice, Our knights expensive(dear).
If you stand in build, Remember a native Land, Remember: the son you and soldier. At you always look Our sharp-sighted eyes, Our kind hearts. And on all to you the answer - Dear than our Native land On light no!!!
Who gentle would give us by names? And us a coast, when not they? Who воспевал? Who would kindle in us a flame, In which we burn down from love? Who would cover by strong shoulders? Who in fights by blood has paid, That ours колыбельные sounded Under noise of rains, under whispers of branches?! The centers at them more warmly heat, On достарханах яств not перечесть! They a joy to us and our children! As it is good, man, that you are!!!
For what we drink and where we drink? Not at the girlfriend on an apartment, Not in ironed мундире, And there, at stone poles … For a march - throw, deaf(indistinct) walls, For one years, that pass there. And for the militarian погоны, That fall on shoulders to us. For those who in the sea, on border, For those who мерзнет on posts, And, as in the people is spoken: " For those who goes in boots! "
My congratulation - not a sound empty! My congratulation - свято! It for you - our former hero, The defence counsel ours in the form of the soldier! And let let won world stores(keeps), Sacred безмятежность, And let all people, all world gives to you: Love, gratitude and tenderness!
Though life at times is severe, you strong be, And for itself open a reliable way is faster. To not survive be able, and to live, forward go, With удачею always be friends and on ways Success faster catch, healthy be, And you will comprehend essence of love and life essence.
And I for evil am impregnable - Illnesses, years, even death, All stones - past, bullet - past, To not sink to me, to not burn down. All this because beside Costs(stands) and protects me Your love - my joy, My protective reservation. And of other reservation it is not necessary, And holiday - each week-day. But, without you I am unarmed Also is defenceless, as a target.
There is a day perfect in February, When the men we congratulate. There is no " a Day the man " on ground, But we correct a mistake. Today to you the love We bear(carry) complete горстями. Man, the life without you is empty, To that there are sad examples. For you all our beauty, In love we do not lose веры. For you lipstick on lips, We a hair завивкой губим. And on high heels We hurry to the one whom we like. |